Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

Shella Who's As Sweet As The Toblerone

Alhamdulillah... after two weeks of final test, i finally can touch my blog again *dusting*. So i actually kinda cofused telling the story beneath this picture, but  i'm going to start about the concept of this picture. i chose combination of the borkenwhite and brown intertwined, turns out, it's as sweet as toblerone (?)

in the set, i really wanted to take pictures with the swans, but well, you know, a fragile girl like me is impossible to take close pose with a living being besides boys (?) the swans just keep approaching me as if they wanted to smooch me, kyaaaaaaa i'm not prepared (?)

eventually, i find my favorite background! trees! hahaha trust me, girls, taking pictures in trees is highly recommended for ot can spotlight your outfit. and so, for the outfit itself, i chose plained brown with brokenwhite colored palazzo trousers. in order to look so simple, i add short-armed crochet with the same tone like the trousers,

sooo, how do y'all think?

Nous Shoes (Nousshoes.blogspot.com)

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Shella Mingled At The Jungle ;p

It’s been 3 days I haven’t blogged due to the political agenda (???) haha anyway, tomorrow on July 9th will be our election day! Don’t forget to use your rights to vote <3 have you made your mind? Those who still make your mind (or maybe decide not to vote), your prayer and wish towards better leader in our country will still be very useful <3 Amen!
Okay, now let’s get back to the real business. This is the outfit which is actually worn in “SisterhoodXHijabelladay" event. I was gonna show it on that particular day, but it was, like, dark, and I was like confused, so I didn’t take any picture on that day. I would really love to take a picture there, the venue was so cool! The decoration was just so perfect and beautiful. Oh and I deliberately choose the exact and same pattern regarding the jacket and the pants, never really worn full-pattern outfit like this one, so I was, you know… experimenting LOL. and so, due to the “full-pattern”, I tried to neutralize the optical illusion (LOL) by adding simple-colored top with asymmetrical cutting that gives unusual impact. As for the hijab and the heels I also choose simple-colored theme with still in line with the color of my pattern.

Oh, and special shout out for @noenbynunrizky who gives this beautiful hijab. If I’m not mistaken, it’s made with polyster+vicose. This hijab is highly recommended for not only because it’s thick, but it’s also smooth and flexible at the same time. Consequently, it feels cold and it can be shaped like what we want even though we’re not using any inner ninja.

As for the concept of this exact picture, I actually just choose the most appropriate spot for this outfit. Since the outfit is floral-pattern, I choose the concept which strengthens my floral-pattern outfit. And that is exactly why I choose to take pictures near the branches as the background ;)
Yay, I think that’ s all what I want to share to you, this blog post is so long that you can compare it with Rapunzel’s hair (????)

Noen Scarf, Envywear Jacket+Innertop+Pants, Jeffrey Campbell Shoes

Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014

Shella in A Cage


hallo guys, mau cerita sedikit nih..  kali ini untuk melengkapi outfit aku, aku memilih Pump Shoes dari Pretty Fit. Pertama kali ngeliat udah jatuh cinta. warna hitamnya yang elegan ditambah heelsnya yang gak terlalu tinggi bisa bikin aku bergerak bebas dan flexible banget buat dikenakan untuk acara formal ataupun santai :)
yuk lengkapin juga koleksi sepatu kamu dengan koleksi dari Pretty fit. Kamu bisa liat dimana aja storenya dan apa aja koleksinya disini :